Saturday, June 20, 2020

Do you want to study in Turkey? ... Here are the details

Turkey is the country in which the civilization of the West and East blends together .. It includes thousands of Arab students enrolled in higher education institutions in it, and there are many advantages that attracted these students to study in Turkey, such as: cultural diversity, rich history, the availability of scholarships, and the efficiency of university education, in addition Due to the low cost of living in it compared to other countries.
If you want to choose Turkey to complete your academic studies, here is this report that includes the most important information necessary for you.

Is it possible to study in Turkey in English?

The Turkish language, English, or both are used to teach in Turkish higher education institutions, so you must check the site of the university that you want to join to find out the language used in the course you want to join, if you want to study the programs offered in English, this will require providing evidence of your proficiency in this language And if you are not fluent in it, you can join the preparatory programs available for study at the university. Here are some universities and institutes that offer programs for teaching the English language:

Sabanci University
Koç University
Fatih University
Bosphorus University
Yeditepe University
Oxford House College Istanbul

As for if you want to learn the Turkish language or join the programs offered in this language, you can study it through the language centers spread in Turkey, or via the Internet, and you can use this engine to search for available language courses in Turkey according to the centers, prices and appointments appropriate to you, and this is a group of schools Resources that will help you learn the language:

To learn a language online:

Language schools:
Aydın-niversitesi Tomer

Taksim Dilmer


Spoken Turkish

Bahcesehir University Summer Term

Turkish Language Center






Life in Turkey:
If a student doesn't want to live in university or government housing, he can rent an apartment and can share it with a group of international students If the student does not want to live in university or government housing, he can rent an apartment and can share it with a group of international students (Reuters)

Students who want to reside in Turkey to study there are advised to save $ 400-500 per month to cover the costs of their stay, including housing costs. This amount may vary from one student to another depending on the student's lifestyle and place of residence.
There are many housing options that a student can benefit from, in addition to the student housing provided by many Turkish universities on the campus, there are also government housing available for students, in which the facilities available vary, and these housing are separate depending on the gender, and there are common rooms and rooms Especially.
If the student does not want to live in university or government housing, he can rent an apartment and he can share it with a group of international or Turkish students to reduce its costs that are higher than the costs of student housing, as the room rent in student housing ranges between $ 30-300 per month.

As for residential apartments, the rent is $ 200-500 per month, and the student must contact the educational institution he wants to join to find out the possibility of the opportunity to live on the university campus, the costs of that, and how to book, and if he wishes to use other options, he can use the designated sites to display ads for places Different housing to choose a suitable residence, for example:

Study progress:
Due to the difference in university application dates, all students are advised to contact the university they wish to attend one year before their studies start.
The courses offered by Turkish higher education institutions vary, there are diploma programs, undergraduate programs, postgraduate programs, summer programs, training programs, and the Turkish language program for the preparatory year, and you can use one of the following databases to search for the course you want to join: studyinturkey, studylink, bachelorsportal, mastersportal, phdportal.

After you choose the academic program, you must get acquainted with the admission requirements of your academic program and academic degree. If you are a bachelor’s student, the requirements differ from one university to another, and you may need to pass a test or an interview imposed by the university, and most universities require registration in person in person, and some of them provide an electronic registration system Therefore, you must review the university’s website and contact the admission office therein to find the required exams or documents and the required registration method, knowing that registration for undergraduate programs ends on the first of August and the results of application appear in the middle of this month.

As for students who wish to complete postgraduate studies, they must apply directly to the department that offers the study program at the university the student has chosen, and they must communicate with this department to find out the documents and the most appropriate way for that, and they are not allowed to send their applications via email, and most universities require that they apply in person Or by mail, but there are a few of them that provide an electronic registration system that helps students complete this step, and most colleges require passing a written exam or a personal interview to obtain academic admission there.

Due to the different dates of application in universities, all students are advised to contact the university they wish to enroll in a year before the start of their studies, there are universities that accept applications before the end of May to study in the fall semester, and there are other universities that offer study programs in the spring semester and registration for this semester ends At the end of December.

The applications of applicants are evaluated individually at all academic levels, so the applicant can be asked to pass an interview by e-mail or phone, and students receive their acceptance letters via email or mail, often in mid-September, and upon acceptance of the applicant he is entitled to study directly at the university of his choice or Postpone his studies for the next semester.

This guide contains most of the public and private universities in Turkey, and you can use it to communicate with the university you want to join and inquire about what you want to know:


Abant Izzet Baysal University

Abdullah Gul University
Adana Science and Technology University
Adiyaman University
Adnan Menderes University
Afyon Kocatepe University
Agri Ibrahim Cecen University
Ahi Evran University
Akdeniz (Mediterranean) University
Aksaray University
Amasya University
Anadolu (Anatolia) University
Ankara University
Artvin Coruh University
Ardahan University
Ataturk University
Balikesir University
Bartin University
Batman University
Bayburt University
Bilecik Seyh Edebali University
Bingol University
Bitlis Eren University
Bogazici (Bosphorus) University
Bozok University
Bursa Technical University
Bulent Ecevit University
Celal Bayar University
Cumhuriyet (Republic) University
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Cankiri Karatekin University
Cukurova University
Dicle (Tigris) University
Dokuz Eylul University
Dumlupinar University
Duzce University
Ege (Aegean) University
Erciyes University
Erzincan University
Erzurum Technical University
Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Firat (Euphrates) University
Galatasaray University
Gazi University
Gaziantep University
Gaziosmanpasa University
Gebze High Technology Institute
Giresun University
Gumushane University
Hacettepe University
Hakkari University
Harran University
Hitit (Hittite) University
Igdir University
Istanbul Medeniyet University
Inonu University
Istanbul University
Istanbul Technical University
Izmir Katip Celebi University
Izmir High Technology Institute
Kafkas University
Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University
Karabuk University
Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University
Karadeniz (Black sea) Technical University
Kastamonu University
Kirikkale University
Kirklareli University
Kilis 7 Aralik University
Kocaeli University
Mardin Artuklu University
Marmara University
Mehmet Akif Ersoy University
Mersin University
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
Mugla Sitki Kocman University
Mustafa Kemal University
Mus Alparslan University
Namik Kemal University
Necmettin Erbakan University
Nevsehir University
Nigde Omer Halisdemir University
Ondokuz Mayis University
Ordu University
Orta Dogu (Middle East) Technical University
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University
Pamukkale University
Recep Tayyip Erdogan University
Sakarya University
Selcuk University
Siirt University
Sinop University
Suleyman Demirel University
Sirnak University
Trakya (Thrace) University
Tunceli Munzur University
Turk-Alman (Turkish-German) University
Uludag University
Usak University
Yalova University
Yildirim Beyazit University
Yildiz Technical University
Yuzuncu Yil University

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