Saturday, June 20, 2020

To study in the world's best universities online ... What are the most prominent scholarships available?

The global competition among the pioneers of higher education to attract international students is not only limited to offering scholarships to join the ranks of traditional academic programs, but also offers distinguished online study programs and the provision of scholarships to enable students to enroll in these programs. In this report, we highlight a set of distinguished scholarships offered by universities ranked among the best in the world.

University of London - UK
To celebrate the 150th anniversary of its first initiatives to support women in the academic field, the University of London announced this year 2018 the launch of a program that includes 150 scholarships for women wishing to study the "Global MBA Program" from a distance.

Applicants for the program are required to have a Bachelor's degree and the required level in the English language, and there are three periods available for registration in the program, the first ending in June, the second in September, and the third in December of the current year, and that Depending on the date of study for each period, these grants cover 40% of the value of the tuition fees specified for the program, knowing that applying for grants is available to students from all countries.

Edith Cowan University - Australia
Edith Cowan University is one of the newly established Australian universities and has succeeded in entering international rankings, including the "QS" rating for the best universities under the age of fifty, and ranked in this classification 101-150.
The University offers a number of scholarship programs for international students, the most prominent of which is the International Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies in Nursing via the Internet, which aims to enable international students to complete their postgraduate studies in nursing at the university and without leaving their countries. Students from all countries except Australia and New Zealand are allowed to enroll in the program .
The program is dedicated to granting it to students who plan to study postgraduate programs in management specialties and health care leadership, dementia studies, clinical risks and patient safety, child and youth nursing, masters programs in nursing specialties, and nursing studies, the scholarship includes coverage of 20% of the tuition fee for the program that he joined requester.

Imperial College London - UK
The Imperial College London, officially known as the “Imperial College London” is one of the top universities in the United Kingdom and the world, it is one of the ten best universities in the world according to the QS ranking for 2019, and one of the forty best universities in the world in Management and business specialization, and ranked sixth globally in technology and engineering, and thirty-third in the "QS" list of universities according to the preference of their graduates with operators around the world.

The college announced the provision of a set of scholarships for students who will join to study several of its masters programs for the year 2019, and these scholarships differed in their financial coverage and admission requirements, but they are mainly directed to distinguished students who wish to study the "Master of Science in Business Analysis" program online.
This group includes "technology and innovation grants" devoted to the study of artificial intelligence, automation or analyzes in the business world, and the value of the grants offered to each student is 20,000 pounds, provided that he has experience in technology and other conditions, and also includes "social impact grants" within a vision The university is to employ businesses to improve society, and these grants provide financial coverage of 20,000 pounds for each student. The third type within the group is business grants and includes the provision of 5,000 pounds for outstanding students. The fourth is college scholarships and provides coverage on 50% of the tuition fees for the master's program In business analysis.

University of Birmingham - UK
The University of Birmingham has won many international centers this year that have earned it a reputation among academic institutions of higher education around the world. Philosophy, ranked 39th among the best universities in the world in the English language, and 51-100 globally in the field of law.

The University offers scholarships annually for applicants for research master's programs (distance school) in several disciplines including: Law, English Literature, Philosophy, History, African Studies, Arts, and Music. These scholarships are available to students from inside and outside the United Kingdom, and the value of these scholarships varies according to the country of the student. Students from within the United Kingdom or European Union countries receive a grant of 3,000 pounds per student, while international students grant grants amounting to 10,000 pounds are deducted from Tuition fees for the programs they enroll in.

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