Saturday, June 20, 2020

In this place you will study with low fees


All public universities in Iceland exempt their students from tuition fees, and they are required to pay the equivalent of $ 662 as a one-time registration fee.
All public universities in Iceland are exempt from their tuition fees, and they are required to pay the equivalent of $ 662 as registration fees only once at the beginning of joining the courses offered at these universities, and all students who want to enroll in programs offered in the Icelandic language must have a B2 level In it according to the general European frame of reference for languages.


All students enrolled in Czech language programs offered at public universities receive a tuition waiver.
All students enrolled in the study programs offered in the Czech language at public universities receive an exemption from paying tuition fees, which allows them to obtain free education, and language proficiency is not required in the case of studying programs intended for foreigners who do not know them, but if the student chooses to join the offered study programs In other languages, he must pay tuition fees whose value varies according to the language of teaching the program and its type, ranging from 0 - 22,350 USD annually, for example: The tuition fee imposed on study programs offered in English is 4,500 USD annually.


The higher education offered to local and international students at Argentine public universities is free.
A new opportunity for students wishing to study in the South American continent, where higher education offered to local and international undergraduate students in Argentine public universities is free, and for graduate programs there are some free programs and others at low fees. However, fees in private universities differ from one university to another and ranges between 1,000 and 3,000 USD annually, and in all programs offered in the Spanish language, the student must have passed the CELU test to show his level in the Spanish language according to the requirements of his university.

Low fee countries
Some higher education institutions located in these countries are characterized by low tuition fees, despite the difference in the value of these fees according to the educational programs and educational institutions, and the student must take into account the language used to teach the program he wishes to join, because there is a condition for the language that must be fulfilled to show mastery of it, for the programs Introduction to the English language can take one of the international exams such as: TOEFL / IELTS and achieve the level required by the university. As for other languages, the language requirement varies according to the countries as follows:


France is a country that has not been well-known among many international students despite all its advantages, especially the low tuition fees.
The country that did not win the reputation among many international students despite all the advantages that characterized it, especially the low tuition fees in French public universities, although the value of these fees may differ from one educational institution to another, but in general it ranges between 150 and 900 euros during Annually, it is 184 euros per year for undergraduate programs, 256 euros per year for master's programs, 391 euros per year for doctoral programs, 610 euros annually in engineering schools, and 452 annually in medical schools, but tuition fees in private higher education institutions are higher and begin From 3,000 euros.

Knowledge of the French language is one of the admission requirements for the programs offered in French, and the tests that a student can take to provide evidence of his level in the language and its examples vary: Le TEF / DELF / TCF and the required level varies according to the program and the university. Some universities require that the student obtain a level B1 Others are required to have a B2 level according to the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages.


In its educational institutions, the Turkish government provides an opportunity for international students of all nationalities to obtain higher education at low fees, especially if the courses are offered in the Turkish language.
In addition to the grants that the Turkish government annually provides to international students who seek to enroll in the various study programs offered by Turkish government higher education institutions, the government also provides in its educational institutions the opportunity for international students of all nationalities to obtain higher education at low fees, especially if the study programs are offered in the Turkish language The value of these fees varies according to the academic degree and the language of the study program. The tuition fees for the undergraduate programs offered in English range between 450 and $ 1,500, but if these programs are offered in the Turkish language, the tuition fees will drop to between 240 and 750 $, and with regard to the tuition fees for the study programs Higher, it ranges between $ 600 and $ 900 if the language of instruction is English, and between $ 300 and $ 600 if the language of instruction is Turkish.
Students wishing to join Turkish government universities must pass the "YOS" test, which is an aptitude test that is divided into two parts, one of which measures the student's level in the Turkish language, in addition to other conditions determined by the university.


Switzerland attracts international students from all countries around the world to study in its government universities by reducing the tuition fees imposed on university study programs.
A new European country that attracts international students from all countries around the world to study in its government universities by reducing tuition fees imposed on study programs offered at these universities, and the value of these fees varies according to academic degrees, so its value will be 535 euros during the semester of the master's and bachelor's programs.

Srey Lux Author: Srey Lux

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