Saturday, June 20, 2020

For women only .. International scholarships directed to Eve

Academic institutions and international companies lead a group of educational, training or development programs intended for women only for several goals, including encouraging female students from developing and low and middle income countries to complete their studies in scientific majors, or bridge the gap between gender specialists in an industry, or enhance the presence of Female students in the fields of scientific research, or creating more leadership positions for women in international, local and regional institutions and companies. Among these programs, what is dedicated to providing grants, awards and fellowships to students in different universities around the world, and some of these programs are reserved for females only. So we chose in this report to highlight a set of distinctive scholarships directed only to females.

Adobe Research Fellowships
Adobe in the field of technology research leads a leading role responsible for innovating many technologies in the field of software products to improve services provided to consumers, specialists, developers and companies, and the company works in the framework of this role to encourage and enhance the female presence in the field of scientific research specialized in technology, so the company presented a program For the "Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship" for female scholarships supporting female students studying computer science all over the world.

The program requires female applicants to be enrolled in one of the bachelor’s or master’s programs offered at an accredited university during the year of application to the program, and that these programs are offered full-time and specialized in computer science, computer engineering or related disciplines, and have the ability to maintain outstanding academic performance, including The grant is a $ 10,000 one-time financial grant, obtaining the supervision of a company research specialist, the opportunity to obtain hands-on training at the company, and obtaining a one-year membership in the "Adobe Creative Cloud" group.

Fellowships of the American Women's University
The American Association of the university Women launched its first scholarship program for Latin American women who wish to enroll in graduate programs in the United States, and the program subsequently turned into an International Fellowship Program, and presented the first of these fellowships in 1917 , And the number of women who have benefited from it has so far reached more than 3,600 women from more than 150 countries.

The program allocates scholarships for female students from outside the United States who hold an academic degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree offered by American universities, who plan to study a master’s, doctorate, or post-doctorate program at an accredited American academic institution, and the value of the financial grants offered varies according to the degree the student plans To obtain it, the value of these scholarships for master's programs is $ 18,000, for doctoral programs to $ 20,000, and for post-doctorate programs, $ 30,000.

P.E.O Scholarships
The "International Peace Scholarship Fund" program was launched in 1949 to provide scholarships for women wishing to study in the United States and Canada, and the distribution of scholarships in the program is based on the need, and applicants for the program are required to be eligible students to obtain admission to study in one of the graduate programs The school is full time in one of the accredited academic educational institutions in the United States or Canada, coming from countries other than these two countries, in addition to other conditions.
The program provides its financial support in the form of financial prizes of $ 12,500 each for one year, and it may grant financial prizes with a value less than that based on the needs of the applicants for the program. To cover all tuition costs, the program therefore advises students to seek additional funding sources to help them cover study costs. Also, these grants are not intended for electronic programs, research programs, practical training programs, or study programs that do not include courses.

Amelia Earhart Fellowships

Women in Aerospace announced in 2010 that the percentage of women in the field of aviation does not exceed 10%, and that this percentage is subject to a very slow increase with the passage of years, which prompted several sides to strengthen the female presence in this field, and for a long time as Zonta International, which announced in 1938 the launch of the “Amelia Earhart Fellowship” fellowship program, honored Emilia Earhart, the most famous woman in American aviation, and today the number of women benefiting from this program is 30.

The program targets female students of any nationality who plan to obtain a doctorate degree in one of the fields of aviation, aviation sciences, aviation engineering or related disciplines from one of the accredited academic institutions in any country. Since its foundation until today to 1,144 women from 73 countries, PhD students from Tunisia and Egypt have emerged in the list of winners for this year 2018, the first is Enis Belkacem - a planetary science major at the University of Southern Paris, and the second Marie Pasteurus - a specialty in space engineering at the University of Colorado - Boulder, to apply for the program.

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