Saturday, June 20, 2020

Do you want to study in the Netherlands? The following programs help you to obtain a grant

The Netherlands enjoys great interest among international students as it is one of the most distinguished study destinations, and the number of international students in it according to UNESCO statistics has reached more than 89,000 students, in addition to the country's advantages such as cultural diversity, safety and a high standard of living The Dutch higher education is characterized by being the seventh most powerful education system The highest in the world for the year 2018 according to the "QS" rankings, but the cost of living and studying in this country is a big obstacle for many international students, so many Dutch higher education institutions, government institutions, and international institutions seek to provide various financial support programs to help students from All countries of the world to join the Dutch educational institutions, what are the most prominent of these programs? Can Arab students benefit from it?

The Mena Grant Program
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds the “MENA Scholarship Program” with the aim of building the capacity of organizations in participating countries by offering scholarships to employees in these organizations, and it is available to citizens who reside and work in countries: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan , Syria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Lebanon.

The application steps include choosing one of the short study programs determined by the program, then collecting information about the program and submitting the application for admission to the institution, and the necessary documents, and it is required that individuals be nominated by their employers, and the grant includes financial coverage of tuition fees according to their value determined by the educational institution, and cover travel costs , Visa, and a sum of money to cover the costs of a stay equivalent to 32 euros per day, financial assistance to cover the cost of educational materials, insurance, and other costs. It is allowed to apply for employees of all organizations except for employees of multinationals such as: Shell, Unilever, Microsoft, major business organizations, bilateral and multi-donor organizations Parties such as: USAID, DFID, Danida, the World Bank, and international NGOs such as: Oxfam.

Netherlands Scholarship Program
The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and a group of Dutch research universities and applied science universities are jointly funding the Holland Scholarship program for international students from outside the European Economic Area who wish to study a Bachelor's or Master's program at a partner higher education institution, including the scholarship Provide an amount of 5,000 euros at the beginning of the first year of academic study. Students wishing to register for these scholarships must apply to the educational institution of their choice. Among the partner educational institutions:

Leiden University
Utrecht University
University of Groningen
University of Amsterdam
Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

Orange Knowledge Program
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs also funds the "Orange Knowledge Program", to develop the capabilities and knowledge of individuals and organizations in the field of higher and professional education within the specializations that the participating countries attach importance to their development.
The program offers grants to employees in the middle of their career paths from citizens of countries including: Egypt, Palestine, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, or those who reside and work in them, according to several conditions, the most important of which is that they are not employees of multinational companies such as: Shell, Unilever, Microsoft, major trading organizations, bilateral and multilateral donor organizations such as: USAID, DFID, Danida, World Bank, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Development Bank, United Nations organizations, and international NGOs such as: Oxfam.
The scholarships cover tuition fees for masters programs, short-term vocational education programs, travel costs, visa and residency, insurance, and educational materials, and applicants are allowed to choose a variety of specialized fields such as: sustainable energy technology, urban planning, globalization and law, economics, human resource studies, sociology Psychology, Cultural Diversity Management, Computer Science.

Educational institutions grant programs
A large number of Dutch higher education institutions offer scholarships for international students from different countries, including countries in the Arab region. These grants can be known using the various grant databases, or visit the websites of the student's favorite educational institutions, and the grants offered differ in their value, duration and academic specializations Likewise, in its preference for students from certain countries, we mention for example the grants available to students of Egypt, and students of Morocco.

Srey Lux Author: Srey Lux

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