Saturday, June 20, 2020

Do you want to study in Indonesia? ... Here are the details

With more than 14,000 islands and over 255 million people, the Republic of Indonesia, or the Indian Islands, is considered the largest economic power in Southeast Asia 1, and tends to become the seventh strongest global economy by 2030 2, a country rich in cultures and ethnic diversity dominated by the religion of Islam, Its residents speak more than 300 local dialects in addition to foreign languages such as Chinese, Dutch, and English 3, and its educational institutions are making intense efforts to advance their academic education towards competition from the most powerful educational systems in the world, and some have succeeded in reaching the lists of the best Asian or international universities in several rankings, in addition to This is due to the low fees of its governmental universities and the cost of living in it, which makes it an ideal destination for students studying the option of studying in an Asian country. In this report, we highlight the most important aspects of studying in Indonesia for international students.

Will you study in Indonesian or English?
The process of submitting applications to join the programs of the Indonesian academic higher education institutions begins between the first of February and the thirty of May in each academic year, and these dates may differ from one university to another, and the process of applying for study is done through the electronic application platforms designated by universities for that, To search for available programs or educational institutions located in different regions, there are several sites that provide a list of these institutions divided by regions or according to their programs and specialties such as carikampus.

As for the language of instruction, the Indonesian academic higher education institutions adopt the use of the Indonesian language (Bahasa) as a language to teach their programs, especially for undergraduate programs, but they are gradually moving towards increasing the number of academic programs offered in the English language to be able to attract a greater number of international students, and the presence of study programs is common In English for a master’s degree in private universities 5, students are advised to visit the websites of universities to check the programs offered there. Most comprehensive research platforms use the Indonesian language to display their information, which makes it difficult to search and find programs easily.

Life in Indonesia
The costs of studying in Indonesia include university fees and the cost of living. As for the fees for studying in Indonesian universities, they are low compared to many Asian or Western universities. The type of academic programs, fees for doctoral programs are the highest cost, as well as fees for medical programs, where the tuition fees for bachelors and masters programs start from $ 2,650, and doctoral programs from $ 3,150, and the annual fees for private universities range between 3,000 and 6,100 USD 7, and the quarterly fees For government universities, it is between $ 150 and $ 200, and there are other fees for application, and a one-time registration fee when enrolling in the course.

And the cost of living is characterized by its decrease, and it varies according to the city in which the student resides and his lifestyle. Residence in university housing is less expensive, and according to estimates, the cost of renting an apartment for a month ranges between 600 and 750 USD, and if the student stayed with host families, this will cost him $ 500 Monthly, including food. If he chooses to live in the university residence, the monthly cost for it ranges between 300 and 500 USD.

The best universities
The Indonesian higher education system includes more than 3,000 academic educational institutions that vary between universities, colleges, institutes and academies. A number of these institutions have succeeded in competing with educational institutions regionally and globally. We have a group of the most prominent of these institutions.

University of Indonesia
The University of Indonesia is the oldest public university in Indonesia, and its history dates back to 1950, and is also the first university in Indonesia. It has ranked 277 in the ranking of "QS" for the best universities in the world for the year 2018, and ranked 54 in the same location for the best universities of the continent of Asia, And ranked 151-200 globally in its ranking also for the best universities in the field of accounting and finance, and today the university includes more than 41,000 students, 12 colleges offering 57 master's programs and 29 doctoral programs, and more than 30 professional / specialist programs in the colleges of medicine, dentistry and nursing 11.

Study in Japan .. Here are the most important details that you need

Japan ... a country with unique features at various levels; It is the fifth globally in the human capital index for the year 2015, and the third largest economy in the world, and includes more than 770 universities with superior academic education, many of which qualified to be at the top of the rankings of universities around the world, in addition to their rich culture, but they were not yet known as a study destination Among Arab students, their number is very limited. If you are a student planning to study in Japan and take advantage of these benefits and more, Here is this report.

Start learning Japanese
All students applying to higher education institutions in Japan must master the Japanese language
The Japanese language is the official language in the country, and it is the language used in teaching programs in Japanese higher education institutions. There are also some study programs offered in English, but their number is limited and it is also limited to certain colleges, technology colleges, institutes, and vocational training colleges do not offer any English language programs. To search for English language courses you can use the website.

All students wishing to enroll in Japanese educational institutions are advised to learn Japanese. All students applying to join the Japanese higher education institutions must show evidence of their proficiency in the Japanese language, and they are required to have 200 points in the (EJU), or the level (N1) or (N2) in the (JLPT) exam, and if the student does not fulfill this condition It is preferred to study the language at one of the educational centers in his country, or one of the Japanese language institutes in Japan.

The language institutes in Japan are divided into two parts, the language institutes of educational organizations, voluntary organizations, or people or others, and offer courses for learning the academic Japanese language, preparatory courses for obtaining admission from universities, and general Japanese language learning courses, the student joining one of the institutes is considered The language that was announced by the Ministry of Justice is a condition for the student to obtain the student’s status on his residence card, while the second section of the institutes is run by private colleges and universities and offers courses for learning the academic language, you can use the nisshinkyo website to search for existing Japanese language institutes in Japan.

The cost of living in Japan

The amount required to cover the student's living costs in Japan is estimated at about $ 752 USD per month, according to the general rate, and it does not include study costs, and about $ 520 of this amount is allocated to cover the costs of accommodation and food.

As for accommodation, despite the availability of student residences that are managed by the government and universities, and which are characterized by fully furnished rooms; However, more than three quarters of the international students live in apartments and private homes, the number of rooms in these dwellings is very limited, and the student must apply to reserve them early, knowing that reservations are made in the students' dorms twice a year, and some students may prefer not to live in them. Because there is a specific wake-up system, appointments to close the dorm in the evening, and kitchens and toilets are shared, so these students search for other options as renting a shared apartment with other students; It is a more expensive option than student housing, but the student will need to furnish the apartment according to his requirements.

Student accommodation costs vary in any of the places available to him; According to the city in which he resides, and the type of housing and facilities available, and the monthly rent for the room ranges between US $ 200-411, while the rent for an apartment that contains one room ranges between US $ 345-580, and these costs do not cover bills, internet services, etc. To search for available places, it is preferable for the student to contact the office of international students at his university, to obtain information about residence on campus, even if the student wishes to reside in private apartments; Many Japanese universities are networked with real estate agencies located in different cities, so students can get to know them through their university, or they have to search through magazines or websites designated for that.

The prices of meals in restaurants also differ according to their type, and the restaurants specialized in serving sushi are the most expensive, while the student can benefit from restaurants that offer menus at low prices; However, this option will also add to his budget gradually increased cost, so home cooking is the solution available to students, and they can take advantage of food stores that offer offers or goods at reasonable prices to them, such as the stores that follow the list of "100-yen shops" Which displays various commodities, From clothing to food, at a price of 100 yen - equivalent to $ 0.8546 USD - such as: daiso - Can Do - Lawson Store - seria.

Study progress and costs

The academic year for Japanese higher education institutions begins in April and ends in March for the following year. This year in many universities is divided into two semesters, the first extends from April to September, and the second from October to March, and there are some universities in which the academic year is divided into three Chapters or four. As for the dates of application for universities, they differ according to the university. But many universities receive requests from applicants within 4-6 months before the start of the study, and the student can collect information about specific dates through the admission guide or student guide that many universities offer on their sites, or he can check the application periods shown on designated sites such as: JASSO - JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT.

Online Master degree in Accounting and Financial Management at the University of Maryland

Accounting and financial management is one of the main specializations in all types of companies and organizations, according to their nature and scope of work. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the area of accounting and financial auditing is expanding faster than average, and is expected to grow by 11% over the next 6 years. In 2016, the average salaries of accountants and auditors with a Bachelor's degree were more than $ 860,000 annually, while the average salary of financial managers was approximately $ 122,000 annually.

In view of the importance of the field of accounting and financial auditing, the University of Maryland is offering a Masters degree in Accounting and Financial Management within its Master's programs on the Edx e-learning platform. This program is offered to professionals, financial employees and accountants who want to advance their career and move towards organizational leadership positions in the companies in which they work to become financial managers and analysts or budget analysts and responsible for loans and insurances and other high positions.

Program Goals
The MSc program in Accounting and Financial Management focuses on building good experience in analyzing corporate financial transactions, assessing risks and returns from alternative investments, in addition to providing learners with the practical training and essential skills needed to enhance their ability to make effective financial management decisions that may affect the operations of institutions and their financial future. During this program, students will learn:

How to manage the financial operations of organizations including revenue, expenses, assets and financial value.

How to evaluate alternative investments using the time value of cash accounts, and understand their impact on cash flow.

How to design and conduct financial analyzes, contribute to strategic management decisions and solve operational problems.

- How to use case studies of real companies facing financial challenges to analyze situations, assess risks and suggest work paths.

Program components
The MSc program in Accounting and Finance consists of 4 advanced level courses at the same level as the Master's courses offered at the University of Maryland. These courses cover a number of specialized topics in economics, financial resources and business administration, as each course lasts about 8 academic weeks, and each week requires a number of study hours ranging between 10 and 15 hours. These courses are:

First session: Financial decision-making

The Financial Decision Making course is offered by Dr. Monica Sava Brunn and Dr. Sharon Levin, Professor of Statistics, Accounting and Financial Management at the University of Maryland. This course is specially designed to improve learners' skills in making and making financial decisions related to companies, focusing on introducing learners to the basic concepts of financial accounting, financing and management decision-making with a focus on applying financial and non-financial information to a wide range of management decisions.

The course lasts about 8 academic weeks at a rate of between 10 and 15 hours of study per week, at the end of which students will learn how to conduct basic financial analyzes to support decision-making, and how to apply reduced cash flow techniques to compare project costs. They will also learn about the role of financial decisions in the company's general management, and the ways to apply financial and non-financial information to management decisions, as well as learn about the relationship between risks and returns in companies available for public circulation.

The second session: Corporate financial accounting

The Corporate Financial Accounting course is offered by Dr. Sharon Levin, Accounting, Financial Management and Business Lecturer at the University of Maryland. The course lasts about 8 academic weeks at a rate ranging between 10 and 15 hours of study per week, and it is required to study the financial decision-making course before joining it.

The course focuses on educating learners on how to prepare corporate financial statements according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission "SEC", and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles "FASB" by the Financial Accounting Standards Board "GAAP". By the end of the course, students will learn research accounting topics using the Financial Accounting Board standards, and how to use the conceptual framework of the Financial Accounting Standards Board.
Students will also learn how to prepare financial statements for American companies according to the standards of the Financial Accounting Board, in addition to analyzing, interpreting, and communicating financial information in a clear, correct, and concise style, as well as applying the American Institute of Certified Accountants' Law of Professional Conduct when making financial decisions.

The third session: Financial management in organizations

The Financial Management Course in Organizations is delivered by Dr. Jayenta Sen, Financial Analyst and Head of the Financial Management Program at the University of Maryland, and Dr. Jia Jin, Honorary Professor at St. Francis University. This course lasts about 8 academic weeks with a weekly average of no more than 15 academic hours. It is worth noting that joining this course requires studying the financial accounting course for companies first.

To study in the world's best universities online ... What are the most prominent scholarships available?

The global competition among the pioneers of higher education to attract international students is not only limited to offering scholarships to join the ranks of traditional academic programs, but also offers distinguished online study programs and the provision of scholarships to enable students to enroll in these programs. In this report, we highlight a set of distinguished scholarships offered by universities ranked among the best in the world.

University of London - UK
To celebrate the 150th anniversary of its first initiatives to support women in the academic field, the University of London announced this year 2018 the launch of a program that includes 150 scholarships for women wishing to study the "Global MBA Program" from a distance.

Applicants for the program are required to have a Bachelor's degree and the required level in the English language, and there are three periods available for registration in the program, the first ending in June, the second in September, and the third in December of the current year, and that Depending on the date of study for each period, these grants cover 40% of the value of the tuition fees specified for the program, knowing that applying for grants is available to students from all countries.

Edith Cowan University - Australia
Edith Cowan University is one of the newly established Australian universities and has succeeded in entering international rankings, including the "QS" rating for the best universities under the age of fifty, and ranked in this classification 101-150.
The University offers a number of scholarship programs for international students, the most prominent of which is the International Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies in Nursing via the Internet, which aims to enable international students to complete their postgraduate studies in nursing at the university and without leaving their countries. Students from all countries except Australia and New Zealand are allowed to enroll in the program .
The program is dedicated to granting it to students who plan to study postgraduate programs in management specialties and health care leadership, dementia studies, clinical risks and patient safety, child and youth nursing, masters programs in nursing specialties, and nursing studies, the scholarship includes coverage of 20% of the tuition fee for the program that he joined requester.

Imperial College London - UK
The Imperial College London, officially known as the “Imperial College London” is one of the top universities in the United Kingdom and the world, it is one of the ten best universities in the world according to the QS ranking for 2019, and one of the forty best universities in the world in Management and business specialization, and ranked sixth globally in technology and engineering, and thirty-third in the "QS" list of universities according to the preference of their graduates with operators around the world.

The college announced the provision of a set of scholarships for students who will join to study several of its masters programs for the year 2019, and these scholarships differed in their financial coverage and admission requirements, but they are mainly directed to distinguished students who wish to study the "Master of Science in Business Analysis" program online.
This group includes "technology and innovation grants" devoted to the study of artificial intelligence, automation or analyzes in the business world, and the value of the grants offered to each student is 20,000 pounds, provided that he has experience in technology and other conditions, and also includes "social impact grants" within a vision The university is to employ businesses to improve society, and these grants provide financial coverage of 20,000 pounds for each student. The third type within the group is business grants and includes the provision of 5,000 pounds for outstanding students. The fourth is college scholarships and provides coverage on 50% of the tuition fees for the master's program In business analysis.

University of Birmingham - UK
The University of Birmingham has won many international centers this year that have earned it a reputation among academic institutions of higher education around the world. Philosophy, ranked 39th among the best universities in the world in the English language, and 51-100 globally in the field of law.

The University offers scholarships annually for applicants for research master's programs (distance school) in several disciplines including: Law, English Literature, Philosophy, History, African Studies, Arts, and Music. These scholarships are available to students from inside and outside the United Kingdom, and the value of these scholarships varies according to the country of the student. Students from within the United Kingdom or European Union countries receive a grant of 3,000 pounds per student, while international students grant grants amounting to 10,000 pounds are deducted from Tuition fees for the programs they enroll in.

Free of charge .. These institutes offer examinations to determine your level in German

In the next report, we review a valuable collection of free German language tests that are offered by many international universities and language education institutes and centers such as the Goethe-Institut and others, and you can count on them to measure your German language level and get an approximate result in a few minutes without making much effort Or even spending one penny.

Goethe-Institut Test
The Goethe Institut is a cultural institute of the German government that teaches the German language to students, builds cultural bridges, and represents Germany in all parts of the world for more than 60 years. . The institute offers a unique test with the aim of assessing your German language skills in a few minutes online, whether you are beginner, intermediate or advanced.

This test gives you a first idea of your understanding of written and spoken German as well as your familiarity with grammar. The test contains 12 different sets of core questions with a total of 30 sub-questions. These questions focus on measuring the amount of your linguistic outcome and mastery of grammar, as well as measuring basic German language skills such as writing, reading and listening skills. Although most similar tests involve multiple choice questions that rely solely on paragraphs of text, this test is characterized by the variety of question types involved.

For example, the first and second groups consist of multiple choice questions, but the first focuses on measuring reading skills and must be answered after reading the merged text paragraph carefully, and the second focuses on measuring listening skills and you must listen to the integrated voice conversation carefully so you can answer the questions . Whereas, the ninth and eleventh groups consist of filling-in-the-blank questions that measure linguistic outcomes and grammatical rules.

The Deutsche Welle test
Deutsche Welle is Germany's public broadcaster, and is one of the world's largest broadcasters. For more than 60 years, the station has been working to introduce and spread Germany, support the original image, support cultural exchange, enhance understanding between cultures and peoples, and provide free German language courses and lessons via TV, radio and the Internet. Deutsche Welle services are available in approximately 30 languages, including English, Arabic and Spanish.

Deutsche Welle provides three different tests to determine the level and skills of your German language depending on your ability to use the language, but if you do not know how much you can use the language you can start with the first test that suits beginners, if you complete it successfully and get the final degree, you can take The second test is suitable for those with basic level, then the third test is appropriate for those with middle level

The first test is for beginners (A1) who can use simple phrases and phrases to exchange personal information. It aims to test reading, writing and listening skills in addition to measuring the linguistic outcome and familiarity with grammatical rules for those learners, as it consists of 30 different questions of the type of multiple choice and filling in the blanks with the appropriate words.

Do you want to study in the Netherlands? The following programs help you to obtain a grant

The Netherlands enjoys great interest among international students as it is one of the most distinguished study destinations, and the number of international students in it according to UNESCO statistics has reached more than 89,000 students, in addition to the country's advantages such as cultural diversity, safety and a high standard of living The Dutch higher education is characterized by being the seventh most powerful education system The highest in the world for the year 2018 according to the "QS" rankings, but the cost of living and studying in this country is a big obstacle for many international students, so many Dutch higher education institutions, government institutions, and international institutions seek to provide various financial support programs to help students from All countries of the world to join the Dutch educational institutions, what are the most prominent of these programs? Can Arab students benefit from it?

The Mena Grant Program
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds the “MENA Scholarship Program” with the aim of building the capacity of organizations in participating countries by offering scholarships to employees in these organizations, and it is available to citizens who reside and work in countries: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan , Syria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Lebanon.

The application steps include choosing one of the short study programs determined by the program, then collecting information about the program and submitting the application for admission to the institution, and the necessary documents, and it is required that individuals be nominated by their employers, and the grant includes financial coverage of tuition fees according to their value determined by the educational institution, and cover travel costs , Visa, and a sum of money to cover the costs of a stay equivalent to 32 euros per day, financial assistance to cover the cost of educational materials, insurance, and other costs. It is allowed to apply for employees of all organizations except for employees of multinationals such as: Shell, Unilever, Microsoft, major business organizations, bilateral and multi-donor organizations Parties such as: USAID, DFID, Danida, the World Bank, and international NGOs such as: Oxfam.

Netherlands Scholarship Program
The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and a group of Dutch research universities and applied science universities are jointly funding the Holland Scholarship program for international students from outside the European Economic Area who wish to study a Bachelor's or Master's program at a partner higher education institution, including the scholarship Provide an amount of 5,000 euros at the beginning of the first year of academic study. Students wishing to register for these scholarships must apply to the educational institution of their choice. Among the partner educational institutions:

Leiden University
Utrecht University
University of Groningen
University of Amsterdam
Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

Orange Knowledge Program
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs also funds the "Orange Knowledge Program", to develop the capabilities and knowledge of individuals and organizations in the field of higher and professional education within the specializations that the participating countries attach importance to their development.
The program offers grants to employees in the middle of their career paths from citizens of countries including: Egypt, Palestine, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, or those who reside and work in them, according to several conditions, the most important of which is that they are not employees of multinational companies such as: Shell, Unilever, Microsoft, major trading organizations, bilateral and multilateral donor organizations such as: USAID, DFID, Danida, World Bank, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Development Bank, United Nations organizations, and international NGOs such as: Oxfam.
The scholarships cover tuition fees for masters programs, short-term vocational education programs, travel costs, visa and residency, insurance, and educational materials, and applicants are allowed to choose a variety of specialized fields such as: sustainable energy technology, urban planning, globalization and law, economics, human resource studies, sociology Psychology, Cultural Diversity Management, Computer Science.

Educational institutions grant programs
A large number of Dutch higher education institutions offer scholarships for international students from different countries, including countries in the Arab region. These grants can be known using the various grant databases, or visit the websites of the student's favorite educational institutions, and the grants offered differ in their value, duration and academic specializations Likewise, in its preference for students from certain countries, we mention for example the grants available to students of Egypt, and students of Morocco.

Third in the world in higher education .. How to study in Australia for free?

The Australian higher education system succeeded this year in competing with the higher education systems in different countries such as Germany, Canada, France and the Netherlands, and advanced to rank third in the world after the United States and the United Kingdom in the "QS" classification of the best global higher education systems for the year 2018, as Australian universities excelled in competition The world has even emerged in the list of the top 100 universities in the world, which are presented in various rankings such as the "Higher Haier Education" "THE", "Shanghai", "Shanghai Rankings", and "QS" rating.

In addition to the high quality education and the prosperous health and economic sectors, Australian government and educational institutions have worked to attract international students to study and train and perform academic research in them, and despite the high cost of study, the Australian government and higher education institutions offer annually a lot of scholarships, fellowships, and financial assistance to enable international students to Achieving their educational goals in Australia, we review in this report a set of these scholarships, and we start with the Australian government scholarship programs.

Australia scholarships
The Australian government and several countries collect bilateral and regional agreements that push them to enhance their role in participating in the development of these countries through various activities, most notably the Australia Awards Scholarships offered to provide educational opportunities for students coming from these countries who wish to enroll in academic studies programs for undergraduate or graduate studies in One of the participating Australian higher education institutions.

The list of countries benefiting from the program includes the countries of the Indian Pacific region and Palestine, and the participating higher education institutions include universities and technical education institutes such as: University of Sydney, University of Queensland, University of Newcastle, University The University of Melbourne, University of Adelaide, the William Angliss Institute of TAFE, and there is a specific set of disciplines that students are allowed to choose according to the development requirements in their countries, for example: For Palestine students, priority is given to agriculture majors Water resources management, public policy and public financial management, and the scholarship does not support engineering majors or medical degrees.

The scholarships offered cover the full tuition fee, a contribution to cover the cost of living of A $ 30,000 a year, and another one-time payment of A $ 5,000 to reduce accommodation and books costs, and the cost of an airline ticket for return, as well as an introductory academic program of four to six weeks to educate students About studying and living in Australia, international students receive coverage of health care costs, preparatory English language programs, academic support, and coverage of field visits to research students, the methods for applying for the scholarship vary, and registration times vary according to the country of the student.

Andover Leadership Program
The Australian government attaches great importance to internationalization in its research, educational and training institutions and seeks to lead in providing high-quality international education, therefore it makes intense efforts to build strong links between these institutions in Australia and their counterparts in other countries in order to provide opportunities for distinguished people to develop their knowledge and expertise in specialized areas Diversified, through its Endeavor Scholarships and Fellowships program.

The Leadership Program includes a range of scholarships and various fellowships for Australian and international students from specific countries, the most important of which are in the Arab region: Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, the Emirates, and Kuwait. These students will have opportunities for academic education for studies Higher education, academic research, vocational education, and short-term executive education. The values of the financial coverage provided to them will vary according to their programs and duration, but they will cover the tuition fees during the study period, the cost of travel, health insurance, and travel insurance according to specific criteria, and will include financial assistance ranging between 2,000 4,000 Australian dollars, and a monthly salary of 3,000 Australian dollars. Students who won the scholarships will also qualify after completing their programs to apply for membership in the alumni network to help them build educational, institutional and personal links with individuals and different destinations. The government provides international students through its program page with comprehensive information about visas Accommodation, host organizations, educational qualifications, language proficiency, and related to financial visits, finance, etc.

Australia Fellowships
The Australian government continuously strives to achieve prosperity in all its sectors, and to achieve this goal provides an opportunity for leaders and professionals from developing countries to reach various Australian organizations, so I presented the Australia Awards Fellowships program, which targets employees in the middle of their career and distinguished people who They plan to work in positions that enable them to participate in facing the challenges that hinder their countries ’foreign affairs and development, and the program’s activities aim to exchange experiences, skills and practical knowledge, provide high-quality training, and enhance existing partnerships in important areas of both countries.

Individuals are not allowed to apply for the program, but it is available for Australian organizations that meet several conditions, including governmental organizations, agencies and companies, academic research centers, and other Australian institutes and organizations, and they must clarify the links they collect with international organizations participating in specific countries including: Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania , Morocco, Tunisia.

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